
About Seb

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So far Seb has created 22 blog entries.

April 2016

Runway Repairs, Jets, Cadets and Picnics


A bright and breezy day at Martinique today started with continuing repairs to the runway, with a great turnout of club members willing to lend a hand. […]

Runway Repairs, Jets, Cadets and Picnics2016-04-02T20:19:11+00:00

March 2016

Easter Weekend Flying


Just a reminder that we can fly at Martinique on Friday, Saturday and Monday this weekend, times are from 10.00 to 18.00. At the moment it looks like the best day to fly will be Friday, but you can see the live forecast below and fingers crossed it will improve. [...]

Easter Weekend Flying2017-04-14T10:57:40+00:00

Is Spring Here?


Yesterday was the first really good flying day of the year and as a result we had an impressive turnout of club members and models, with an associated number of spills and thrills. Dave's Xcalibur jet experienced front landing failure, but was expertly guided in for an impeccable and damage free landing. The "Control Liners" [...]

Is Spring Here?2017-04-14T10:57:40+00:00

January 2016



Happy New Year to you! Flying at Martinique and Bramshott is now back to normal and the runway at Martinique has been repaired as necessary. Looking forward to some great flying weather in 2016.

HAPPY NEW YEAR2016-01-10T13:46:10+00:00

October 2015

Flying at Bramshott 25/10/15


Martinique is still closed down (probably until late November) so a select few are still flying at Bramshott. Sunday's weather was ideal for flying so a few of us made it out to pit our skills against the unforgiving grass strip which has a habit of ensnaring anything with small wheels, especially on landing. [...]

Flying at Bramshott 25/10/152017-04-14T10:57:40+00:00

Tony demonstrates his and the quads versatility


Border Model Aircraft Club is relegated to Bramshott today as Martinique is not accessible this month. There was a relatively low turnout but whilst we there  Tony showed us how adept he is at catching his quad in mid air. Dave is desperately hoping that his Control Line plane will eventually run out of fuel in the background. [...]

Tony demonstrates his and the quads versatility2017-04-14T10:57:40+00:00

Control Line at Bramshott


Small turn out at Bramshott today but Dave Mackey made the most of it by breaking out the Control Line. Not something we should encourage at the club! :)

Control Line at Bramshott2017-04-14T10:57:40+00:00



Due to military presence there is no flying at Martinique during October. Use Bramshott or Hankley instead.


Quadcopter over Martinique (again)


Here is a link to the first video from the quadcopter at Martinique. It's of Richard Weeks cavorting about in his normal mode. The Quad was set to "loiter" which means that it holds its position using the on board GPS. All Tony had to do was to use the rudder control to point the camera [...]

Quadcopter over Martinique (again)2017-04-14T10:57:40+00:00

September 2015

Quadcopter over Martinique


Today Tony Machen managed to get some video from his smaller less expensive Syma X5C-1 quadcopter. It was gusting quite a bit and many of the regulars had bottled out, but he gave it a go anyway! You can see from some of the video that the model was banked over quite a bit to hold station. All [...]

Quadcopter over Martinique2017-04-14T10:57:40+00:00
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